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Live the traditions and culture of the Aosta Valley

Locals here love a fair, better still if of ancient origin. This tradition has been passed down from father to son throughout the centuries, their coming and going each year marking the time and seasons of mountain life.
Some of the most remarkable ones you can see each year are: the thousand year old Foire de Saint Ours (a fair and market place for local woodworks and craftmanship), it's summer counterpart “La Foire D'été”, the Donnas Craftman's Fair, the traditional “Dèsarpa” when we celebrate the return of the cattle and livestock from the summer pastures, and many food and wine events tied to local produce.
You can also live the experience of attending a very unique competition: the Bataille des Reines (the Battle of the Queens). Here the dominant female cows of each farm compete to see which is the strongest – an exiting event in which no harm is done to the animals.
You can also take part in the various local carnivals, rich in historical costumes and symbolism, such as the ones held in Verres, Pont Saint Martin and the Landzette in the Great Saint Bernard Valley.


Le Rosier
Bed & Breakfast
Fraz. Romillod Crotache
11027 Saint-Vincent (AO)
Tel. +39-339-127.33.54

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